Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The advantages of calculated Irrationality

The advantages of calculated Irrationality
Scenario 1
Some where half way across the world, some one drew cartoons of a prophet. Rational response: protest peacefully and convey their opposition. 

Govt Response : **verbal hot air** **Zzzzzzzzzzz** 

Irrational/Emotional response : Start rioting. Destroy public property, issue death threats to the cartoonist  

Govt Response : Immediately condemn and cancel the trip of prime minister of that country.  

Scenario 2 
A terrorist who has killed scores was caught, convicted and sentenced to death. But the death sentence is not implemented.  

Rational response: ==> Allow the Law (Law is an a$$) to take its own time. Listen to all the bleeding hearts liberals / human rights activists/ leftists , terrorist apologists to raise hue and cry. Try to convince them for the next 10,000 years. If they are still not convinced then keep trying for another 10,000 years.  

Govt Response: We are trying to win the hearts and minds of terrorists. Can't you see?? what if a few people are getting killed here and there?? Don't you know that terrorists have more rights than ordinary citizens?? If you do not know, then ask the intellectuals in this country. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz.  

Irrational Response: Start massive protests in all cities, destroy public property. Create the scare of communal conflagration. Attack TV studios and thrash "intellectuals". All this on a very very large scale. Turn up in large numbers threaten to vote out the govt. Govt Response: Immediate hanging of terrorist.  

Scenario 3 

A large number of women and children traveling in a train are torched and killed. Rational response: Condemn the attack. Allow the law to take its own course, and wait for justice. 

Govt Response: "WE ADMIRE THE SPIRIT OF GUJARAT PEOPLE. After all this is the birth place of Gandhiji who preached to show the other cheek". 
Can't you see what intellectuals are telling?? It is the mistake of those who are traveling in the train. They are the ones who provoked peaceful people. you need to understand and sympathize with those who have done this. Terror has no religion. You are a bigot to link it and create communal tension in the country. 

Irrational Response: Start large scale riots, Do indiscriminate killings and be un apologetic about it.  

Result : No more terrorist incidents (atleast for 5 years). ==================== 

Is rationality ch**tiya**n??


Jiggs said...


This is the bane of Us Indians.

Lets hope that we have 100% voting this time around and get a sane government.

Anonymous said...

wow.. never read something like this before.. (plz do not misunderstand my comment to be jovial..)

i agree with maverickindian's points.. we need more voting..